API Documentation

So easy to use.

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The engine is now working on the lighthouse request (takes ~20 secs).
Making a lighthouse>get request in 5 secs to see if the response is ready. Please wait.
The lighthouse>get response is ready below:


A very simplistic REST API which makes it possible to get started within minutes. Here are the details:


It is needed to create an api key from the Settings page (once logged in). After that, just make sure that the api key is sent in the Authorization header of each request.


The list of methods with sample request and responses:

GET whois

The method returns whois data for any TLD in a unified format.

Request URL: https://hi.websiteapi.com/whois


  • targetValue (domain name) (required)
GET blacklistCheck

The method checks many blacklist/DNSBL databases and returns if the gien IP is blacklisted in any of them.

Request URL: https://hi.websiteapi.com/blacklistCheck


  • targetValue (IP address) (IPv4 and IPv6 are both supported) (required)
POST techDetection>set

The method identifies the technologies used in a given web page.

As the identification process takes time, it works with a set>get mechanism where we add the request to the queue with set and fetch the response 30 secs later with get.

Request URL: https://hi.websiteapi.com/techDetection/set


  • targetValue (URL) (required)
GET techDetection>get

The method fetches the response of a previously added techDetection request.

Request URL: https://hi.websiteapi.com/techDetection/get


  • queueID (ID value returned with the set request) (required if targetValue is not set)
  • targetValue (URL) (required if queueID is not set)
POST lighthouse>set

The method runs a lighthouse check against the given web page.

As the identification process takes time, it works with a set>get mechanism where we add the request to the queue with set and fetch the response 30 secs later with get.

Request URL: https://hi.websiteapi.com/lighthouse/set


  • targetValue (URL) (required)
GET lighthouse>get

The method fetches the response of a previously added lighthouse request.

Request URL: https://hi.websiteapi.com/lighthouse/get


  • queueID (ID value returned with the set request) (required if targetValue is not set)
  • targetValue (URL) (required if queueID is not set)
POST brokenLink>set

The method crawls the web-page and its sub-pages by following the links and finds the broken links.

As the identification process takes time, it works with a set>get mechanism where we add the request to the queue with set and fetch the response later with get.

Request URL: https://hi.websiteapi.com/brokenLink/set


  • targetValue (URL) (required)
GET brokenLink>get

The method fetches the response of a previously added brokenLink request.

Request URL: https://hi.websiteapi.com/brokenLink/get


  • queueID (ID value returned with the set request) (required if targetValue is not set)
  • targetValue (URL) (required if queueID is not set)

Error Codes

If the API call fails for a reason, here are the HTTP statuses, error codes and details returned:

  • HTTP 500 1000 Unable to return a response. Please try again.
  • HTTP 401 1001 Invalid API key.
  • HTTP 401 1002 apiKey is required and must be sent as Authorization HTTP header.
  • HTTP 400 1003 No data available yet. Please retry within few seconds if the check was already added with a set request.
  • HTTP 400 2000 targetValue is required.
  • HTTP 400 2001 queueID or targetValue is required.
  • HTTP 400 2002 Invalid tld.